Water Development

Water dots the Sublette County landscape, both as natural streams and springs as well as developed water such as irrigation, wells, reservoirs, and pits. In any case, SCCD partners with landowners and agencies to ensure that water resources are sustainably developed and maintained to mitigate risk of resource damage on the landscape.  Water developments include, but are not limited to:

For more information please contact Michael Henn, mhenn@sublettecd.com.

  • Conversion of wells to solar

  • Rehabilitation of any water development

  • Stock Water Wells

  • Marina Break Water

  • Streambank Stability Projects

  • Irrigation Infrastructure

  • Springs, Pipelines, Reservoirs, etc.


 If you have a water project in mind, SCCD has developed a process so you know what you are getting into!


Small Water Project Program

The purpose of the Small Water Project Program (SWPP) is to work with landowners and land managers in providing incentives for improving watershed condition and function.  Projects eligible for grant funding assistance include the construction or rehabilitation of small reservoirs, wells, pipelines and conveyance facilities, springs, solar platforms, irrigation works, windmills, wetland developments, environmental (as defined in the Criteria), rural community fire suppression, and recreational.  Grants through SWPP can cover 50% of the project cost up to $35,000. Interested in this opportunity please contact SCCD about us sponsoring your project.

Projects should improve watershed condition and function, and provide benefit for wildlife, livestock and the environment.  Projects must also benefit the public. Public benefits may be provided from improved; Water quality, riparian habitat, water supplies to support plant and animal species, habitat for fish and wildlife or natural resource conditions.