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 About Us


Who we are



Before Conservation Districts existed, many times agencies working with conservation ended up competing with each other. Local leadership was needed to coordinate their efforts and tie them into local conditions and priorities. Because of this, the President developed a model Conservation District Law, for consideration by state governments. In March 1941, the State Legislature passed an enabling act, which established Conservation Districts in Wyoming. As subdivisions of the State of Wyoming, District's were to direct programs protecting local renewable natural resources. Originally, there were two Districts in Sublette county: Pinedale and Big Piney Conservation Districts, which were also the first two to organize in Wyoming. In 1987 the districts were consolidated into one, the Sublette County Conservation District. Today, Wyoming has 34 Conservation Districts in 23 counties. 


When we meet

How we are governed

Since Conservation Districts are a subdivision of the State, their governance is prescribed within Title 11, Chapter 16 of Wyoming's Statutes. The District's Board of Supervisors is composed of 5, elected by non-partisan ballot. Supervisors, by law, represent both urban and rural constituencies. Supervisors serve staggered four year terms with a purpose to decide on Conservation District policy and monitor implementation. Supervisors also participate in committees, District associations, and groups in which they represent the District. 

Board meetings are open to the public and held the 3rd Thursday of every month. They begin at 6:00 PM.

If you'd like to visit with the board, please call ahead so we may schedule a time period for you on our meeting agenda.

Special meetings that are open to the public may be held as needed by the board of supervisors, special meetings will be advertised on Facebook and our website.


What we do

SCCD works locally with landowners and permittees to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens, while also protecting the customs and cultures of the community to assist and meet the needs of a community which relies on a multiple use, federally managed dominated landscape, while also promoting private property rights and providing technical assistance. The local nature, along with being a non-regulatory entity allows the District to aide in bridging the gap between private property owners and land managers. Thus, the goals and objectives encompassed in the District's programs include promoting the wise use of natural resources, enhanced wildlife habitat, controlled soil erosion and such, by promoting rangeland and watershed health and overall ecosystem health of the area’s natural resources. The staff consists of a team whose expertise is natural resource based, but with broad enough experience to create programs capable to assist with a variety of projects in an area where a “one size fits all” approach does not work.  This allows the staff to be flexible enough to assist with constantly shifting priorities of policy and land management agencies (i.e. permit renewals, energy development, wildlife habitat, etc.), while endorsing overlapping opportunities and goals that benefit community members and multiple resource demands.

“By working with local people who understand local problems, the best conservation measures can be accomplished.”


SCCD Documents

SCCD develops documents to set goals, objectives and plans for coming years. Each year the annual report is developed showing projects and accomplishments made from July 1 to June 30. The plan of work sets goals for the upcoming year. SCCD also has a five-year long Long Range Plan. The current plan runs from 2020-2025. SCCD’s Land Use Policy allows SCCD to enter in cooperating agency relationships and guides involvement in issues. Use the buttons below to view each of the documents.


SCCD Board of Supervisors


Coke Landers


Rural 2022-2026

Membership: Green River Valley Cattlemens Association; Wyoming Association of Conservation District - Board Member

Education: B.S. in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management 


Phone: 307-703-4291 

Darrell Walker

Vice Chairman

Urban 2022-2026


Membership: Green River Valley Cattlemens Association; Pinedale Planning & Zoning; Mountain West Farm Bureau; Elder Church of Resurrection

Education: B.S. in Soil Science, M.S. in Agronomy and Soils


Phone: 307-360-8041

Dave Pape


At Large 2020-2024


Membership: Green River Cattlemen’s Association

Education: A.S. in Animal Science, B.S. in Ag Business


Phone: 307-360-4202


Meghann Durbrow Smith

Rural 2020-2024


Membership: District Commissioner; Pony Club - Instructor;  Wyoming Native Plant Society; Sage & Snow Garden Club

Education: B.S. in Wildlife Biology for University of Vermont


Phone: 307-200-1926

Milford Lockwood

Rural 2020-2024


Membership: Tip Top Search and Rescue - Board Member; Wyoming Stock Grower Association - Vice Chairman of Water Committee; Green River Cattlemen's Association, Vice Chairman of Wyoming Air Quality Advisory Board, Alternate Board Member to the Bridger Teton Plant Materials Center.

Education: A.S., Wyoming Master Electricians License


Phone: 307-260-8169

SCCD Staff


Michael Henn

District Manager

Michael oversees day to day operations of the District.  Michael coordinates with all staff to make sure they have the tools as resources needed to complete the tasks the District works on.  Michael works directly with the Board of Supervisors to make sure that staff are enacting the visions and plans that the Board has prioritized.  Michael also collaborates closely with Local, State and Federal agencies on maintaining and growing partnerships with the District.

Education: B.S. and M.S. in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management


Office: 307-367-2364

Cell: 307-360-3264


Traci Berg


Traci’s role as Administrative Coordinator has her working directly with the District’s accounts receivable and payable as well as managing the District’s budget and it’s many funding sources. Traci also directly oversees SCCD’s Tree Program where she works closely with nurseries and constituents managing seedling orders. Traci also publishes SCCD’s quarterly newsletter and organizes several of the District’s education events.

Education: A.S. in Veterinary Technology


Office: 307-367-2364


Melanie Purcell


Melanie oversees the Wildlife & Habitat Program to support holistic ranch management across jurisdictional boundaries with coexistence of wildlife species and their habitats. She works closely with partners to ensure plans and projects are implemented to complement District goals. Melanie simply flows with the changing tide associated with the diversity and abundance of wildlife in the area, from managing wildlife friendly fence conversions to mesic habitat restoration to conservation planning to reviewing sage-grouse management plans, and everything in between.  

Education: B.S. in Wildlife Biology, M.S. in Zoology & Physiology


Office: 307-367-2364


Keller Hyde

Range Specialist

Keller works within SCCD’s range program primarily performing cooperative monitoring on public land with local ranchers and other management agencies. Keller also assists with small water development, the private land enhancement program, and SCCD’s equipment checkout process.

Education: B.S. in Range, Fish, and Wildlife: Emphasizing in Range


Office: 307-367-2364


Justice Miller

Range Specialist

Justice is part of SCCD’s range program. He has worked on the ecological site description development project alongside partners from the BTNF, NRCS, and neighboring conservation districts. Justice also works with permittees on cooperative monitoring, virtual fence. Justice maintains the GIS databases and software programs that the District utilizes.

Education: A.S. in Rangeland Management and B.S. in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management


Office: 307-367-2364


Adrienne Kirkwood

Water Resource Specialist

Adrienne primarily helps to facilitate the SCCD surface water sampling program which encompasses sites throughout Sublette County on public and private land representing major watersheds, rivers, streams, and tributaries. She also supports other District programs as needed. 

Education: B.S. Natural Resource Management


Office: 307-367-2364


Kamryn Kozisek

Senior Natural Resource Technician

Kamryn works with SCCD’s various programs including, surface water, range, wildlife and education. Her work often consists of water sampling, fence inventories and range monitoring. She also works with outreach, developing Facebook posts and website management. 

Education: B.S. Major in Rangeland Management: Options in Wildlife and Livestock, Minor in Journalism


Office: 307-367-2364


 Employment Opportunities


Assistant District Manager

Click on the image to view the application

Review of applications will begin March 27, 2025

Incomplete applications will not be considered


Contact Us


Our Office

217 Country Club Ln
Pinedale, WY, 82941
United States


Call Us: (307) 367-2364

Mailing: P.O. Box 647 Pinedale WY, 82941