Private Lands Enhancement Program (PLEP)
For information please contact Keller Hyde by emailing
SCCD is partnering with the Upper Green River Basin Sage Grouse Local Work Group to implement and administer the Private Lands Enhancement Program. This is a grant funded initiative designed to increase cover and forage availability for sage-grouse and other species while also helping landowners in Sublette County increase agricultural and/or rangeland productivity through planting or interseeding projects
By pairing the need of Greater sage-grouse with the needs and desires of private landowners in Sublette County, pasture lands, hay lands, and rangelands can become more productive and more diverse, offering greater ecosystem services that benefit all.
With the new program, qualifying landowners can receive 50% reimbursement for seed costs up to $2,500.00. Landowners also can check out SCCD’s rangeland drill to implement the planting in necessary. Please look at the eligibility criteria below to see if you qualify. If interested please fill out the application below.
Eligibility Criteria
Land must be zoned AGRICULTURAL
Seed mixes must include plant species beneficial to Greater sage-grouse conservation such as forbs and grasses (different mixes are acceptable for different uses, e.g., pasture, hay, range). Seed mixes must also be compliant with Wyoming state weed seed laws and “cheatgrass free”
Landowners agree to a pretreatment plan to increase the probability of success. Pretreatment would be focused on reducing seed competition with existing plant species through practices such as herbicide treatments, mowing, tillage, aerating, etc.
Landowners agree to a weed management plan including landowner completed annual weed checks. (SCCD is available to help identify any existing weed species prior to treatment and will be available to help identify weeds post-treatment.)
Landowners are willing to defer haying or grazing, or rest treated areas for a minimum of one growing season post-treatment if determined that this action will facilitate optimum conditions for seed establishment.