Rangeland Health Assessment Grants (RHAP)
For information please contact Keller Hyde by emailing khyde@sublettecd.com
What is RHAP? The Rangeland Health Assessment Program is a grant program administered through the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. The RHAP program began in 2010 and has been providing an avenue for cooperative monitoring, education, and important data collection since its inception. According to the Department of Ag, “The RHAP program’s principal focus is centered on the cooperative involvement of all parties, beginning with the design of the project, education related to methodology, through all phases of monitoring, leading to sustainable grazing now and into the future. This program provides an avenue for the permittees to be more involved in adaptive management strategies, founding decisions based on scientifically defensible data, and credible monitoring data for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements essential for permit renewals.” RHAP grants are applied for and awarded funds for the project are managed by SCCD.
Why would I want to enter into a grant agreement? Facilitates on the ground conversations between permittees and land managers and leads to collaborative monitoring and the collection of viable data that can be used to guide future management decisions as well as providing data for permit renewal.
Past and Current RHAP Projects
Hoback C&H
Muddy Canyon
North LaBarge Common Rangeland Health Initiative- Phase 1 & 2
Prospect Mountain
Sherman Allotment
Upper Green
Upper North LaBarge Individual
Arambel Cooperative Monitoring
Bar Cross
Elk Ridge Cooperative Monitoring
ESD Development- Phase 1
Fisherman Creek
Forage Reserve Monitoring